Friday, July 31, 2009

Obama is America’s ‘puppy purchase’

My house is full of all kinds of electronic gizmos and wheeled contraptions that the kids and I just had to buy - we couldn’t live without them. After using them like crazy for a few weeks, many now sit idle. The tire needs air, the fishing line got tangled, the batteries need a charge.
We call these impulse buys ‘puppy purchases’ because, just like a cute little puppy that grows into a big needy dog, the fun turns to work.
The election of Barack Obama reminds me of the nation's ‘puppy purchase’. The guy was cool… a different kind of candidate. It wasn’t what he said as much as how he said it, and the voters bought in. He was supposed to be bipartisan, transparent, post-racial and able to talk down dictators. Instead, he’s been inflexible, inexperienced, divisive, soft on defense and a real Chicago-land politician.
My family has learned its lesson. We think long and hard before we commit to anything on an urge. I hope the country is learning the same lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you wish we could send him to the pound?
