Sunday, November 6, 2011

Big government is metastasizing the private sector

Just as one rotten strawberry ruins the bunch, government regulations and social engineering are metastasizing industry.
First it was the judicial system allowing lawyers to collect outlandish awards, restricting behaviors and sending jobs overseas. The insurance industry distributed the cost to us all. Then the Dems decided that everyone should own a home, eventually sending the construction, real estate and banking industries into a tailspin. Obama’s war on carbon and premature subsidies of ‘renewable’ energy has jacked up prices and set the green movement back decades. Cash for clunkers left nothing but more debt. Health care will soon be regulated by the same crowd that does such a fine job of running the Post Office.
Much needed attention is now focused on the student loan bubble. The government push on college degrees causes students to incur more debt than they can repay, institutions to spend more than they can sustain and future generations will be left with mountainous debt.
Our government does some things well – defense, treasury and transportation. But the government‘s push for ‘social justice’ has had tragic consequences - unintended social damage, bloated debt, rampant abuse and waste, and loss of individual freedom.
It’s time we elect representatives who can balance a budget instead of just thinking they’re in office to impart their personal judgment of how we should live our lives.