Thursday, June 25, 2009

Impressions of Washington DC

On our annual trek north to see family, the kids and I stopped overnight in Washington to visit the monuments. Here are some impressions.
1. Washington is teeming with activity, especially overcrowded highways and subways. You can almost hear the giant sucking sound as money from all around the country pours into DC.
2. Virginia is booming as the bedroom community for DC. One of the reddest states in the country is steadily turning blue as federal payroll and special interest money oozes southward into the Commonwealth. Thomas Jefferson is crying in his grave at how the statists have ruined his vision for this country.
3. The morning traffic jam northbound on I-95 into DC from Virginia was several miles long, many lanes wide and lasts for hours. DC must have a size 17EEE carbon footprint.
4. The further north you drive from Georgia, the more self-centered people drive. Around Washington, the odds are good that the car cruising in the passing lane and not passing anyone has an Obama-Biden ‘08 bumper sticker.
5. Toll taxes are rising fast. The best stretches of I-95 are in the South and all free. As soon as you enter Baltimore the tolls begin – Baltimore tunnel $2, Maryland $4, Delaware $4… and that’s all within 40 minutes. The tolls get even worse as you continue north (see Not only are these tolls a regional rip-off, but the waste of gas and time waiting in line is sinful. If that’s how they want to play it, Georgia needs to put a $10 toll on I-95 north of Savannah and on I-75 north of Macon and give all Southerners a free speed-pass.
6. DC’s weather in June has been unseasonably cool. Al Gore may not have been truthful about the weather, but his climate campaign has been quite convenient for his fame and fortune.
Washington is full of hope and change - for the Democrats who are seizing power and lining their pockets just as fast as you can say yes-we-can.

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