Sunday, March 29, 2009

Parallel between capitalism and nature... how liberals defy Mother Nature

Ever take a walk through the woods and find stuff you want to fix – like untangling a vine that’s strangling a sapling, or returning a bird egg to its nest? You could spend hours making things better before you realize that the woods would have been just fine had you never appeared.
The free market is like nature – full of little injustices, but altogether a glorious place. Then a Democrat comes along; someone who knows better and can’t resist imparting their sense of fairness on others.
The problem with interfering with nature is that once you start, the corrections never end. You end up doing more harm than good. That has certainly been the case with all the social engineering in government over the past forty years. You start out keeping people from harming each other and soon you’re telling them what color car they can drive.
I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if the Obama administration sets up a regulatory agency to monitor predatory behavior in the woods. It’s not fair that foxes eat bunnies or that the big trees hog all the light from the little trees.
Thank goodness that nature has a way of snuffing out things that aren’t natural.

1 comment:

  1. How about Al, Rick? Do you at least Like Al Gore and his inconvenient truth? I mean, he'd like the Trail...
