Sunday, March 8, 2009

Big government - not this, not now

Many people I know and respect see things quite differently from me. I love free enterprise; they think more government is the solution. How can this be? Is there a right or wrong position?
I think the answer is that both the right and left have a time and place, kind of an extension of Winston Churchill’s wisdom: “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”
I gained an appreciation for the free market through twenty five years in industry. I learned to balance the dog-eat-dog harshness of business with the meek-shall-inherit–the-earth humility of my faith. As far as I’m concerned, there is a time and place for turning the other cheek, and a time and place for breaking some china.
The time to be liberal is when you have the resources... your own resources and not those of others. You can’t help others until you have your own act together. America absorbed the higher taxes and liberal policies of Bill Clinton because boomer spending turbo-charged the economy in the 1990s.
But current times are different. Weathering a severe recession caused by the mortgage crisis is no time to borrow enormous sums from our children to fund far left causes (national health insurance, carbon taxes, unions) that build a huge central government. Our economic conditions are serious and it’s time to get off the liberal agenda and back to business.

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