Saturday, October 17, 2009

Libs don’t know the difference between profit and covering costs

Listen closely when liberals use the word profit. The tone is negative, the contempt compounded further by a snarl. Those wicked corporations and their money-grubbing CEOs care about profit more than people or the environment.
Clearly not everyone was paying attention in economics class, or they wouldn’t be using the p- word so loosely or as if it was something evil.
Here’s a question we used to ask middle school students in a Junior Achievement course I was involved in years ago: What percent of profit do you think the average corporation makes on sales? The replies were usually in the 50% range; the reality is more like 5%. And after running their own ‘company’ for a few weeks, the Junior Achievers understood how hard it was to eke out even 5%.
Stockholders deserve a 5% return on sales, just a little more than what the IRS demands. Anytime there’s a lot of profit, competitors flood in. And if you think oil, pharma and insurance companies make too much money, go buy their stock and get rich along with them!
Libs don’t understand that profit is essential to growing jobs, paying taxes and providing a little cushion for hard times. They have no idea how bright, hard-working and caring most CEOs are - at least the ones I've met.
Every organization must cover costs – except government. The Feds just print money while most state and local governments borrow far more than you or I would consider prudent.
So don’t let the libs use the profit word in a negative way. Unlike government, companies that don’t cover their costs, plus a little return for investors, go out of existence.

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