Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama: Let 'Em Play

After attending several high school basketball games recently, I realized how much more I like ball games when the refs call only enough penalties to keep general order. Let the players play. Good refs know they aren’t there to even the score or impact the outcome.
That’s the way I see government. They’re elected to keep us safe and arrange a little infrastructure. Other than that, stay in the background.
Just like the people who constantly yell at refs at a ballgame, some people can’t overlook the little inequities or messiness of limited government. They are the meddlers who think they know best and demand more regulation. Often with good intentions, they start to engineer behaviors, and once you start, it never ends.
Obama is now the leader of the meddlers. His people won’t be happy until they build such a big central government that the whole thing collapses under its own weight.
There are only three officials for 10 ball players on a basketball court. Two would be enough if they’re good. If the Democrats had their way, we would have 10 refs on the court. How long would it take before nobody would want to play or watch?

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