Monday, November 16, 2009

Has Obama learned anything during his first year?

Barack Obama was a relatively young man when he became president. He’s bright, but his experience was limited to going to school, community organizing and public office. Surely he has met people and seen things in the past year that are completely inconsistent with the profiles and impressions he formed long ago.
• Obama must be blown away at how bright, hard working and caring business people truly are - especially small business owners. He must be equally disappointed at how self-centered and unenlightened government officials can be.
• Has he seen enough to understand that America, warts and all, is a truly exceptional nation, and that no apologies are needed?
• Does he yet comprehend that cutting taxes would have stimulated the economy, and that massive government spending has sent us into a long-term funk?
• Does he now accept that all the “excessive” corporate profits and CEO wages added together wouldn’t be a drop in the bucket of government waste and corruption?
• Can he now see that the real substance of America lies between the Northeast and California?
• Has he seen the destructiveness of political correctness and the divisiveness of partisanship?
• Does he yet realize how shallow it is to blame Bush for everything?
• Has it sunk in that attempts to share wealth simply spread misery?
Yes, the past year should have been an eye opener for Obama. Is there any hope that he can change?

1 comment:

  1. It's a good bet that he hasn't learned even one of those things. Let's hope the country is more perspicacious in 2010 and 2012 and beyond.
