Friday, March 9, 2012

Media exposed

Here is an excellent example of how the mainstream media filters what we hear and injects opinion as news.
We can each individually decide whether the Obama/Bell connection is important. The key point, made by Amy Holmes, is that the media has been deciding what is important for the public to hear. Also noteworthy is the emergence of a generation of spokespeople like Joel Pollack (Breitbart) who will not be intimidated by the snarky sarcasm and attempted bullying of partisan show hosts like Soledad O’Brien.
Note: Clips of the show on edit out the Jay Thomas segment because the guy is just plain embarrassing.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bayonet the wounded

In his state of the union speech, Obama criticized colleges for raising tuition. What our big-hat-no-cattle chief fails to comprehend is that a primary driver of higher tuition prices is financial aid - discounting the cost of attendance for certain students based on gender, race, need, merit, etc. It’s "fairness" and redistribution in all their blazing glory, and Obama is criticizing the consequence of his own basic values.

Another case of the dog biting its own tail is the economic downturn in 2008. Obama can blame Bush all he wants, but the Democrats caused the disaster by insisting that banks lower their credit standards on mortgages to promote home ownership.

And the smelliest fart in the elevator is Obamacare. Most people have no idea what a firestorm this will cause in 2014. As thousands of pages of rules are finally being written and released, it’s becoming blindingly clear that skyrocketing costs, interference in the doctor-patient relationship and burgeoning government bureaucracy will cripple the quality of healthcare in this country, and one sixth of our economy.

Meanwhile, government regulations continue to consume the private sector like a raging house fire. The destruction doesn't stop until all the fuel is consumed, and then regulators arrive on scene to bayonet the wounded.

This lunacy has got to stop. But when half of the population is either not paying attention or living off the tax-paying half, why would it?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How Professor Obama would run a classroom

Professor Obama spends the first several weeks of class delivering titillating lectures on what students can expect from the class. The kids get pumped. He convinces school officials to issue a multi-million dollar bond to equip all classrooms with solar-powered teleprompters and provide all students with “yes we can” T-shirts.

Dr. O brings in czars to determine which students are bright and which ones aren’t. (No one checks to see if O really has a PhD because he talks so eloquently... and he’s so cool.)

The bright students are assigned to tutor the other students while Dr. O sits up front planning a lavish Halloween party for the czars.

When parents complain that their students have made no academic progress, Dr. O blames the students’ past teachers. The parents calm down when O introduces them to his buddy, George Clooney.

Everyone in the class receives an A. Those students who had never before received an A occupy the principal’s office to demand renewal of Dr. O’s contract for next year.

Years later, the students of Kikthekan High hold their reunion under a bridge manufactured in China.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


What could Obama followers be thinking? Do they not see the screaming peril of our massive national debt?

No one in their right mind would run their household the way the Democrats have been running this country for the past five years that they’ve been in power. Dave Thomas, CEO of Equitas Capital Advisors, came up with a clever way to explain the situation in terms a fifth grader can understand.

Here is the federal budget for 2011:
Federal revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
Federal spending: $3,820,000,000,000
New debt: $1,650,000,000,000
National debt: $14,271,000,000,000

Few people can relate to these trillions of dollars, so let's remove eight zeros from these numbers and pretend this is a household budget:
Total annual family income: $21,700
Amount of money the family spent: $38,200
Amount of new debt added to the credit card: $16,500
Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710

We can begin to reverse this insanity in November. Vote out the Democrats, starting at the top. Anyone but Obama.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Big government is metastasizing the private sector

Just as one rotten strawberry ruins the bunch, government regulations and social engineering are metastasizing industry.
First it was the judicial system allowing lawyers to collect outlandish awards, restricting behaviors and sending jobs overseas. The insurance industry distributed the cost to us all. Then the Dems decided that everyone should own a home, eventually sending the construction, real estate and banking industries into a tailspin. Obama’s war on carbon and premature subsidies of ‘renewable’ energy has jacked up prices and set the green movement back decades. Cash for clunkers left nothing but more debt. Health care will soon be regulated by the same crowd that does such a fine job of running the Post Office.
Much needed attention is now focused on the student loan bubble. The government push on college degrees causes students to incur more debt than they can repay, institutions to spend more than they can sustain and future generations will be left with mountainous debt.
Our government does some things well – defense, treasury and transportation. But the government‘s push for ‘social justice’ has had tragic consequences - unintended social damage, bloated debt, rampant abuse and waste, and loss of individual freedom.
It’s time we elect representatives who can balance a budget instead of just thinking they’re in office to impart their personal judgment of how we should live our lives.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Who cut that?

I saw President Obama on the Jay Leno show the other night. He reminds me of the guy who farts in a crowd and is then the first to complain about the smell.